The Fourth Judicial District
Hennepin County Courts
10 Judicial Districts
There are 10 judicial districts in the state. Two of the 10 judicial districts are limited to one county: the 4th (Hennepin) and the 2nd (Ramsey). The other judicial districts are made up of multiple counties. The Fourth District has seven court locations and hears 40% of all cases in the state.
The Judges
Hennepin County has a diverse group of 63 judges. Most judges are appointed by the Governor through a competitive merit-based process. They can also run for election. Judge Koch was appointed. Then, like all appointed judges, he was up for election during the next election. Judges serve for six-year terms. Out of the 63 judges, Judge Koch is currently #15 in seniority. He will soon move up a couple of spots due to retirements. Judges must retire at 70.